Les Pépites (Little Gems) :

Les Pépites (Little Gems)

Information about Les Pépites (Little Gems), a Xavier de Lauzanne's film: the trailer, a word from the director, next projections...

Les Pépites (Little Gems) – the film

Documentary (1h28) – October 2016
Director: Xavier de LAUZANNE

These children were working on Phnom Penh’s dumpsite 25 years ago. Today, they have finished their studies or started working. Discover the extraordinary human adventure of Marie-France and Christian des Pallières, founders of the charity Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (For a Child’s Smile), which has educated almost 10,000 children and enabled them to build a future.

The public’s "Coup de coeur" at the Festival Atmosphères a unanimous opinion of the jury

“Best film soundtrack" at SunnySide of the Doc (La Rochelle)

“Meilleur documentaire” au French Film Festival COLCOA (Los Angeles)

Find "Les Pépites" (Little Gems) on DVD / streaming and for special screenings (details below)

A word by the Director<br/>Xavier de Lauzanne

I wanted to make a film that shows that commitment comes more from emotional drive rather than from a speech.

"Les Pépites" (Little Gems) is the story of a couple who are committed to saving children. It is also the story of the children being looked after by this couple.

This is not a documentary. I simply tell a story using sensory language and each viewer needs to draw their own conclusions.

Little Gems Eng Trailer 4K from LUCKY YOU on Vimeo.

To find out more...

Follow all the news of PSE and projections of Les Pépites (Little Gems) organized by our local branches:

For more information on the film, visit www.lespepites-lefilm.com

Thank you to Xavier de Lauzanne and to all of you who helped release this documentary.

The adventure continues …