An NGO with responsible and transparent financial management :

An NGO with responsible and transparent financial management

Our financial model is effective and sustainable: sponsorships, complemented by donations, enable us to take care of the children for the long term.

Annual activity report 2023


The year's results show that we have made further adaptations to meet the changing needs of our beneficiaries and those of Cambodia, while continuing to ensure that we do not replace them, thus paving the way for a new strategic plan currently being drawn up for the period 2024 - 2028.

In terms of schooling, and more generally education, for our beneficiaries, the Remedial Centre has significantly increased its staffing levels, in order to accommodate young people who normally attend state schools but who have fallen a long way behind during the health crisis; educational support has been organised as close as possible to where the pupils live; English language teaching and the educational and vocational guidance programme have been considerably strengthened; a wide-ranging environmental awareness programme has been developed; in addition to the assistance provided, families have been brought together on a regular basis, with a view to empowering them in the educational project that PSE is proposing for their children. At the Vocational Training Institute, regular assessment of a constantly changing market, in particular with an impact study among our alumni, has led to changes in our curricula. Business advisory councils have been set up.

Thank you to all those who support the work of "this wonderful association", as co-founder Christian des Pallières used to say. And the co-founder, Marie-France, his wife, is continuing the fight against poverty, with all of us.

Activity Report for 2023

Complete transparency of our accounts

91% of our expenditure is directed to our social programmes helping the children and their families in Cambodia.

Overheads mainly cover the salaries and expenses of our team in Versailles, transport costs, bank charges and communication costs. Thanks to a dynamic branch network support PSE, made up of volunteers, fundraising expenses are minimal.

Our accounts are audited and certified annually by a statutory auditor.

Expenditure 2023

Income and expenditure

99% of our resources come from private donations. Sponsorships, which are regular donations to support the children in our programmes, account for a large proportion of the funding for our actions. They remained stable over the period. Donations and sponsorship grants supplement our resources, particularly for our projects and investments. There was a fall in sponsorship donations over the year - mainly due to smaller projects than in previous years - offset by an increase in unrestricted donations. In addition, the association was the beneficiary of a major property bequest in 2020-2021. A number of bequests and life insurance policies paid to the association have enabled this item to be maintained at a significant level during the 2021-2022 financial year.

In Cambodia, expenditure increased significantly, with our Centres returning to full activity in 2022 after having been closed (like all the schools in Cambodia due to the health crisis) two-thirds of the time during the 2020-2021 financial year. Programme costs are divided between two-thirds for education and training, and one-third for support programmes (nutrition, health, family support, child development and protection, etc.).

Summary of accounts