Sponsor a child in Cambodia with Pour un Sourire d'Enfant :

Sponsor a child in Cambodia with Pour un Sourire d'Enfant

Sponsoring a poor child in Cambodia, in Asia, with Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, means giving him/her a smile and a future! By becoming a sponsor, you allow a child to get out of misery and you change his destiny. Sponsorship is a real tool to offer a future to the poorest children.

Marie-France des Pallières, founder of PSE, with a young girl in care

Sponsor a child to give them a smile and help them in the long term

Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE) takes care of the poorest children in Cambodia whose living conditions are particularly difficult and precarious. Without the association, they would not have the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty in which they find themselves.

Sponsoring a poor child in Cambodia means changing their destiny and offering them the opportunity to realise their dreams. To lead these children from poverty to a decent job, Pour un Sourire d'Enfant offers them support from early childhood to professional integration and ensures that their needs are taken care of so that nothing impedes their education.

Any amount can be given, donations are tax deductible

The reference sponsorship amount is €47 per month, which equates to €16 per month after tax deduction in France.

Long-term but flexible commitment (can be changed or stopped at any time)

It covers education costs from early childhood to vocational training or higher education as well as the support programmes (health, meals, boarding, family support) 

90% of donations go to the programmes in Cambodia, only 10% of funds cover the overheads;

Why sponsor a child with Pour un Sourire d'Enfant?

Sponsoring a child is a gesture of love that allows us to save one or more children from great poverty and to allow them to develop as serenely as possible.

The advantages of sponsorship


  • It's practical : your donation is deducted from your bank account every month, you don't need to think about it and the amounts are spread out over the year
  • You have a concrete impact : you contribute to the overall care of the 6,500 children who are in the association's programmes: uniforms, school materials, food, care, protection for those who need it, vocational training...
  • The system is flexible : you can change the amount, suspend or stop your donation whenever you want and with a simple phone call, letter or email


  • It is more economical : it allows us to reduce fundraising costs and to devote more money to the children
  • It is a guarantee of serenity : it is an indication that we will be able to count on this money all year round, to react in case of an emergency situation and it provides security to enable us to commit to taking care of the children over several years.

What does sponsorship at Pour un Sourire d'Enfant involve?

Sponsoring a child means contributing to his or her overall care: education, vocational training, food, healthcare, protection and housing, PMI, school support, extra-curricular activities, help for families...

This holistic approach allows us to help children escape from poverty to a decent job and to act on all the factors that would prevent them from studying.

The choice of sponsorship

Christian and Marie-France des Pallières, the founders of Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, chose to rely on a multitude of sponsors rather than relying on a few large donors who could withdraw their funding at any time. This approach ensures the sustainability of the association's programmes. Indeed, the commitment made to the children is strong: we lead them from destitution to a decent job, over the long term!

The children’s interests above all

In order to rebuild, children need to feel confident. As with our own children, we give each child what they need. The follow-up is personalised and adapted to each one, at the same time, no preference or privilege is granted. That is why the sponsorship is non-nominative, in order to ensure that all the children are treated equally.  

As a sponsor, you do not have an anonymous relationship with the children. Marie-France des Pallières writes a quarterly newsletter, from Cambodia where she still lives among the children; she presents children recently taken into care by PSE, gives news of the children in school and of the students who have graduated.

A children’s supplement is attached to this newsletter so that they too can be part of your commitment: together, we teach them solidarity through the actions of the association in Cambodia.  

You are also welcome to visit our school in Phnom Penh to see the results of your commitment: hundreds of smiles and the immense gratitude of the children!

Very advantageous tax treatment in France

The reference sponsorship for a child is €47 per month, or €15.98 after tax deduction. This amounts to €0.52 per day if you pay tax.However, everyone can sponsor one or more children, according to their means: there is no such thing as a small or large sponsorship, you participate in the rescue of children!

  • If you are an individual and pay tax in France, you can deduct 66% of your donation from your taxes (within the limit of your taxable income). Whatever the amount of your sponsorship, a tax receipt will be sent to you in March of the following year. Thus, sponsoring a child really only costs you one third of its value.
  • Companies, in France, wishing to sponsor can also do so! In your case, 60% of your donations are deductible from your corporation tax up to a limit of €20,000 or 0.5% of your turnover excluding tax.

Giving with confidence: Pour un Sourire d'Enfant has been awarded the IDEAS hallmark

The IDEAS hallmark attests to the quality of our governance, financial management and how we monitor the effectiveness of our activities. You can therefore entrust your sponsorship to us with complete confidence!  ! 

What sponsors say

Sponsoring a child means joining the big Pour un Sourire d'Enfant family!  

“The simple gesture of sponsoring can change a child's life forever! What a reward to see their smiles, their joy, their success. In reality, we are the ones who have been lucky to cross their paths.”
M.R, Bordeaux

A question about sponsorship?  

Contact Elizabeth de l'Eprevier: +33 (0)1 30 24 20 20 | secretariat@pse.ong 

You can also fill in this form and we will contact you!

Questions - answers on sponsorship

  • How do I set up a sponsorship?

You can do it online on our secure donation platform by clicking here. You can also download the sponsorship form and send it back to us, completed and signed, by email to secretariat@pse.ong or by post to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, 49 rue Lamartine 78000 Versailles.

  • Why sponsor a child?

Sponsoring a child with Pour un Sourire d'Enfant means contributing to their care and enabling them to escape poverty thanks to the various programmes from which they benefit. It is a gesture of love that has a concrete and direct impact!

  • What are the conditions for being a sponsor?

Everyone can be a sponsor, whatever their means: there is no such thing as a small or large sponsorship only a contribution to help rescue the children! If you pay tax, your regular sponsorship donations are tax-deductible.

Any other questions? Go to our frequently asked questions about sponsorship!