Make a donation to support PSE's mission in Cambodia :

Make a donation to support PSE's mission in Cambodia

By donating to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE), you are giving a future to the destitute children of Cambodia. Every donation counts to help save children. Act with PSE!

Children in school uniforms walk through the impoverished neighborhood in which they live

Why donate to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant?

For over 25 years, Pour un Sourire d'Enfant has been working among the poorest Cambodian children to help them escape destitution and equip them for a better future. It is thanks to your generosity that we can finance our missions and will enable us to take care of the many children who are waiting for our help!

Thanks to low overheads and fundraising costs, 90% of your donations are used to support the children cared for by PSE.

Children are at the heart of our mission

Let's act together to help suffering Cambodian children! Pour un Sourire d'Enfant welcomes the poorest children in Cambodia into its programmes, sometimes they are victims of violence or are obliged to work to support their families. The comprehensive care we offer enables the children to escape poverty for good and we act to minimise the risk of them dropping out of school. We support them over time, from early childhood until they get a decent job.

Achieving our mission is possible thanks to all the donors who support our humanitarian action!

Give with confidence with the IDEAS hallmark

The association obtained the IDEAS hallmark in 2018. This is a hallmark that attests to the quality of our governance, financial management and how we monitor the effectiveness of our activities. Our accounts are audited and certified annually.

You can therefore make your donation to us with complete confidence!

How to donate to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant?

Donations to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant have enabled us to act for children and their families for over 25 years!

The different ways to donate

You can make a donation online via our secure platform. Your personal details are protected and will not be shared with third parties.  

I donate

You can send us a cheque made out to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, 49 rue Lamartine, 78000 Versailles, France.

You can give in other ways: create a fundraising campaign on Facebook or Instagram and mobilise your friends and family to become donors to the association or collect drops on the Lilo search platform... There are many ways to support Pour un Sourire d'Enfant! 

Make a one-off donation

One-off donations to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant are essential to finance our programmes, projects and investments to support the children. Every amount counts and everyone gives according to their means!

What is the purpose of my donation ?

Your donations help to change the destiny of destitute children in Cambodia!

Inequality and extreme poverty are still very present and impact the lives of thousands of children every day who are waiting for our help.
Together, let's act to offer them a better future!


34€ = boarding for a child for one month


60€ = six months of rice compensation for a family


110€ = providing school uniforms for eleven children for the year


200€ = thirty days of vocational training for a young person at the PSE institute

Making a regular donation

We consider regular donations to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant to be sponsorships. They are important because they allow us to take care of the children over the long term, on average they benefit from our programmes for 10 years.

The advantages of regular donations

For you:

  • It's practical: your donation is deducted from your bank account every month, you don't need to think about it and the amounts are spread over the year
  • You make a material impact: you contribute to the care of the 6,500 children who are in the association's programmes: uniforms, school materials, food, care, protection for those who need it, vocational training...
  • This system is flexible: you can change the amount you donate, suspend or stop it whenever you want by contacting us by phone, letter or email

For us:

  • It is more economical: it allows us to reduce fundraising costs and to devote even more money to the children
  • It is a guarantee of serenity: it is an indication that we will be able to count on your donations; throughout the year, it enables us to respond to emergencies and it provides security so that we can commit to taking care of the children over many years.

Learn more about sponsorship

Tax benefits of a donation to the association

Donations made to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant might be eligible for a tax reduction.

If you are taxable in France : 

  • 66% for individuals
  • 60% for companies

Contact your local Pour un Sourire d'Enfant branch to find out about tax benefits if you live abroad.

Elizabeth de l'Eprevier, secrétariat de PSEA question about donations? 

Contact Elizabeth de l'Eprevier : +33 1 30 24 20 20 | 

Or you can fill out this form and we will contact you!

Questions and answers about donations

  • What is the difference between a one-off donation and a regular donation?

Making a one-off donation to an association normally means donating occasionally, whereas a regular donation is deducted on a fixed date (generally every month). Regular donations allow you to smooth out the amounts you give over the year without you having to think about it and offer a degree of financial certainty to the association you support.

In the case of Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, regular donations allow us to plan the overall care of the children over time. The amount can be modified whenever you wish and the donation can be suspended or stopped by a simple phone call, letter or email.

  • Who can make a donation to an association?

Anyone can make a donation to an association because there are many ways to give: money, in-kind donations, donations of time... Everyone can support a humanitarian and solidarity cause in their own way!

  • Are donations tax deductible?

In France, donations made to recognised associations by taxable persons are tax deductible. If you make a donation to Pour un Sourire d'Enfant as an individual in France, you can benefit from a 66% tax deduction. As a company in France, the deduction is 60% of the IS up to a limit of €20,000 or 0,5% of turnover excluding taxes.

If you are abroad, contact your local Pour un Sourire d'Enfant branch to know mare about tax deductions!

Any other questions? Go to our FAQ on donations!