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Portrait of Kanha in a slum

Kanha: the passion to help

A moving encounter with Kanha, a PSE social worker driven by a desire to help the most disadvantaged.

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Leng, a former PSE student, in front of his café in Kampot

The resilience of Leng

Portrait of a life transformed, that of Leng, thanks to PSE's action in favour of the poorest children.

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Portrait of Makara, Deputy Director in charge of education at PSE

Makara: 16 years with PSE

Makara has been with PSE since 2007. Today, she is deputy director in charge of education. Here's a look back at her exceptional career!

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Portrait of Fernando, Entre-Deux program manager

From passion to vocation: meet Fernando, manager of the Entre Deux program

Moved by PSE's action, Fernando went from PSE winter camp monitor to head of the Entre Deux program, created to fight school dropout.

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Marisa and her husband Fernando in front of the PSE entrance

Testimony of Marisa, committed to the children of Cambodia

Marisa, committed to PSE for 20 years
to ensure school continuity during the school break!

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Portrait of Danich, a former PSE student

From Phnom Penh to Bangladesh, the incredible destiny of Danich

Education has always been a priority to Danich's family, despite difficult living conditions. Thanks to her good grades, she studied at a Bengali university.

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A girl from a state school and her mother visit PSE

Involving the families of children supported by PSE to improve their schooling

PSE is launching a new initiative: welcoming children attending state schools and their families to create links and reduce the number of drop outs.

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Children standing in a classroom at one of PSE's community centres

The fundamental role of community centres in the fight against child malnutrition

Located in the shanty towns where the families helped by PSE live, community centres play an essential role in helping children to grow up properly.

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Portrait of Sochea, former PSE student

Sochea, a path to fulfilment thanks to PSE

After a difficult childhood, Sochea saw his life and future transformed when he joined the PSE programmes. He is now a fulfilled adult!

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Daro, a brilliant former PSE pupil, gives a thumbs-up

Daro's potential, beyond poverty

PSE has been helping Daro's family since 2001. He went to school and turned out to be a brilliant pupil so the virtuous circle of support led him to success.

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Portrait of Sokchea, left, and Kunthea, right

Providing a suitable education for children with disabilities

Cross portrait of Sokchea, a young girl in the PSE adapted teaching section, and Kunthea, her educator

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Docteur Malai in the PSE infirmary

Decades at PSE providing healthcare to the poorest families

Dr. Malai has been committed to her mission for 21 years and speaks of her work at PSE with love and passion.

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